And so it begins. It was the dawn of the third age of mankind, 10 years after the earth minbari war. The babylon project was our last, best hope for peace. 

Babylon 5 is a 110 episode sci-fi masterpiece. Full of intrigue, mystery, and mind-boggling cgi action, it had me hooked from the first 10 minutes. My first trip through the series took a mere 22 days and included three of the movies.

There are many, many sites that have gone to great lengths to enrich your experience of the show. But I must warn you, if you want to enjoy the program, start at the beginning and DO NOT skip ahead or read spoilers.

I cannot recommend this series enough. Hopefully SCIFI channel (channel 244 on DirecTv.com
) will carry it a second run!

Some of the most useful sites I've seen:

Note: These sites contain numerous links to other B5 resources and fan pages so consider this your first jump point into the hyperspace of the world wide web.

The Official Babylon 5 Website  Run by Warner Bros.

The Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5   Unanimously the most comprehensive episode guide to the series. Detailed synopsis and analysis of every episode and movie from the series. Includes detailed comments from JMS (series creator and writer). The episode guides contain MAJOR SPOILERS so I do NOT recommend going ahead in the series. It is VERY useful to read the episode guide after watching a particular episode.

The Galactic Gateway    They have a lot on the background of kosh the actor and do some episode commentaries but they have not finished the season.

Drink if you see a Drazzi. The famous Babylon 5 drinking game. If you're familiar at all with the program this is a hoot. If you are not familiar with the program, it's okay to read the drinking game but I would avoid the rest of this person's site because pages like 'mondo londo' 'mira baby' and 'baddies' all contain MAJOR spoilers and will ruin a lot of the intrigue that the series brings. Kind of like using cheat codes to beat a video game. If you must know everything NOW this site will help.                                


My favorite characters on the show are Kosh Naranek, Londo Molarri and Alfred Bester. They have the most quotable quotes in the series.