The White Star came into being in Season 3 as the ship you see in the opening credits when you hear that Babylon 5 became our last best hope for victory. Delenn will tell you all you want to know about the white star if that is your wish. Please note that MINOR spoilers follow.



Hello. I am Se'tai Delenn of the Minbari. Called. In the name of Valen I come. I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey. We stand between the darkness and the light. I would like to tell you about the White Star fleet. Our famous flagship during the war with the humans was known to you as the Dark Star. During the year 2259, the year of the great war, we needed to gather our forces for the war with the shadows. Although the forces of the non aligned worlds were united we needed more.

The last, best hope for victory came in the form of the White Star. This ship is the size of a small cruiser, yet has many abilities. It can form its own jump point: nothing that any ship this size is capable of doing. It can hold it's own against ships more than three times its size. It is based on Minbari and Vorlon technology. Its hull is semi organic. It learns from attacks so it can better defend itself in the future.

First it was only one ship, later we revealed our fleet to John. He liked it so much he, as you humans say it, 'macked the ho' and kissed me. BOINNNGGGGGG, I believe, were his exact works. 

The En La Shak (the Rangers), who for generations have watched for signs pointing to the next great war, are charged with commanding the ships of the White Star Fleet.


A Shadow Vessel attacking us while on patrol The White Star in its glory
The White Star firing it's impressive pulsor array The White Star in hyperspace
An overhead shot of the techno-organic White Star The White Star forming its own jump into hyperspace