Your Privacy Matters To Me!

I've learned a few things about protecting my privacy online and in general. If you are using the internet on a regular basis and think you're doing it anonymously, chances are you're thinking is in line with these clouds...pie in the sky.


You would be shocked if you knew what others know about you as a result of your online browsing. Even if you're not buying anything online, people can insert spyware onto your computer, put cookies in your browser that report data back to their database, they can even put trojan horses into downloaded programs that give them easy, direct access to your computer. Viruses are more rampant and malicious than ever.

If you have an always on connections (Tx, Cable Modem, DSL, etal) you are at an even greater risk. You should definitely invest in a firewall. A good, free firewall program which consistently receives high ratings is located at The firewall controls access to your website. Zonealarm is the easiest program that I have used for a firewall. I have used BlackIce Defender, Norton Family Internet Security and McAfee as well.  When I had a cable modem I would receive hundreds of pings a day. You can set your firewall to either reject a ping or remain invisible. If you reject the ping then that computer knows you exist. If you remain invisible the other computer doesn't know you exist and keeps generating random IP addresses to ping.

To summarize some effective ways to minimize your risk while online:



Steve Gibson,, runs a great website on internet security. He exposes one of the first fiends of spyware: RealPlayer Networks. Their Real Jukebox, released in 1999, would actually collect data on how you use it, collect your email address, report it back to RealPlayer Networks who in turn sold this information to marketing agencies. Steve has appeared on ZDNet tv numerous times and has authored many great articles on security and written hundreds of programs to detect spyware and troubleshoot IOMEGA zip drives.
Despite its bad rep as being the #1 site for crackers and hackers, the true purpose of this site is to provide information on the current state of hacking and cracking as a resource to those who intend to research and improve their computer's security. There are literally hundreds of links on various topics on this site. From registration algorithms for shareware to anaonymous proxy servers for browsing, you'll find it here.
This is one of the most useful sites I've ever found. I found it at astalavista. Its focus is personal privacy and cracking down on telemarketers. It is by far the most comprehensive site as far as explaining telemarketers and how to effective combat their advances that I have ever seen. It has numerous resources for removing/blocking spyware, cookies and adware from your computer. I installed one of their programs that blocks adware and it is truly amazing how much faster pages which had ads load now.