In the time I've been on the web (started in September 1994) I've found some nifty places to surf. When it gets big enough, left-clicking on the topics below will take you to the appropriate section. Not a real smattering of links because the sites listed are top notch.
Humor | Travel | Friends | Games |
Sports | Security | CD Backups/Burning | Surfing |
City Guides/Relo Tools | Being a wise consumer | Food/Dining Out | Searching | | Demotivational phrases mocking the covey stuff | | Cruel site of the day. Warning: can contain offensive material |
Kill Celebrities | A good example of fun games with flash |
mista t vs everything | |
The TRUTH about TWA 800 -- Evidence than
cannot be denied
Travel Tips from me - united airlines main site - american airlines main site - saving site - interactive travel
advice from frequent travellers worldwide
WebFlyer - The Web's Frequent Flyer Authority
Hilton HHonors Hotels
Holiday Inn Hotels
Gibson Research Corporation Homepage - what Real Player, AOL, etal don't want you to know about them. - home
of the man who created the ejf exposers of jordon's foolishness. - everything you need to know abot cd burners, media, software, firmware - the site I use most
often. Covers psx, pc, coinop. You name it.
Arcade@Home(tm) - MAME, Retrocade, N64 & PSX Emulators
80's site of the day -
actually a collection of 80s things.
The Babe-test - see how well you can
identify the mug shots of random models.
The Oracle of Bacon at Virginia
- a fun site that can link every actor or actress to Kevin Bacon by virtue of
those appearing in movies with Kevin Bacon.
The internet movie database - a great site with data on most any movie made
or anyone who's been in a movie. - gives you
comparative and relative stats
on hundreds of cities in the U.S.
Best Places to Live --
Compare 10-10 phone rates and save!
- gives you the 411 on all the different 10 10 xxx prefixes, their taxes, and
whether they benefit you or not.
And of course Banned For Life
Food/Dining Out/The Good Life: Your portal to the world of BBQ
DineSite Nationwide Dining Guide and Restaurant Search
Holt's Cigar Company - you are smart to
JRCIGARS.COM - Handmade-Machine Made Cigars,