we recieved this, so the site is gone. sorry.


I'm David Tomlin with AP.

We've already written the Geocities copyright agent about your unauthorized defacing and display of AP pictures on your site there.

I'm writing now about the display at: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php3?id=266

You are exposing yourself to liability for copyright infringement that can include both fines and possible criminal penalties. We'll go for whatever it takes to get our material out of your hands. Please acknowledge immediately that you understand and are taking down the display of AP pictures at the address above.

David Tomlin
AP 50 Rockefeller Plaza
New York 10020
(212) 621-1796







since 4/25/00 - 11:19 PM CST / LOCKED 4/27/00 - 11:26 AM CST
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